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Child Protection Policy  


Taking part in theatrical activities could place a child at risk and the Somerset Fellowship of Drama aims to ensure this risk is as small as is practical.  This policy sets out how it is proposed to address the issue of Child Protection during the Youth Festival and other similar activities. It focuses on both identification of area of risk and also encourages reporting of any suspected harm.


The Somerset Fellowship of Drama aims to foster an atmosphere in which children are safe from harm and in which any suspicion of abuse is promptly and appropriately responded to. In order to achieve this, all volunteers and any other members of the organisation who come into contact with children will be made aware of the contents of this policy.

Method of Protection

We have two main aims regarding Child Protection: 

  • To manage effectively any suspicion of significant harm to children and seek to ensure this is reported to the appropriate authority. 

  • To prevent abuse by ensuring any children involved in our activities are in a controlled environment with suitable supervision.  


  • In the event of suspected significant harm If a member of the Fellowship organisation team suspects a child is being abused he/she must immediately inform the Festival or Event Co-ordinator.  The following guidelines are to be followed if you become involved in a potential child protection situation:

    • Listen to the child and allow them to finish.

    • Do not question the child.

    • You cannot promise to keep what the child has told you confidential.

    • Remember that it may be very traumatic for the child, make sure that they feel secure and that they know what you are going to do next.

    • Stay calm and reassure the child that you are taking what they say seriously.

    • As soon as possible afterwards (preferably immediately) make a record of the interview, include date, time, and as much as you can remember using the child’s own words.

    • The accompanying parent / guardian or the child's chaperone acting in loco parentis will be informed. However, wherever considered appropriate, suspicions will be referred to the Social Services Department. Contact details will be available from the above named person.

    • Records will be kept in strict confidence by the named person above and the Chairman will be informed of any report that has been made. 

  • To prevent abuse The Fellowship is proactive in avoiding situations arising where children would be placed at risk. Competition rules would require any group entering to have a minimum number of chaperons in proportion to the number of children on the basis of 1 adult for 8 children under 10 years of age and 1 adult for 12 over 10. Any premises hired for these activities would be expected to provide the correct level of changing accommodation to ensure that each sex should have a separate space. No child should be left on their own in the company of a single adult.

Definitions of Child Abuse

  • Physical Abuse: Can range from over chastisement, slapping with hand, belt, stick or other object, to shaking, punching or throwing a child. 

  • Neglect: Can range from ignoring a child's developmental needs to not providing adequate food or clothing and not offering proper supervision. 

  • Emotional Abuse: Ranges from severe rejection, refusal to show love or affection, or making a child unhappy by continually criticising, belittling, verbally abusing or over protecting them. 

  • Sexual Abuse: The involvement of a child in sexual activities that are not understood, to which they cannot give consent.

Adopted 02 December 2004

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