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CODE OF PRACTICE: Full Length Competitions

This document is intended to provide a common system of operation for all of our Full Length Performance Competitions. The main thrust of this part of the Fellowship's programme is to encourage, support and educate the contestants. The ‘competitions' are more about sharing and learning from each other than winning. The Moderator - Adjudicator combination is thought to be the fairest method of operation that is sustainable. The goals following try to address issues considered relevant in the running of these competitions.

1. Objectives.
1.1 To ensure that all of our Full Length Competitions operate to the same standard in terms of fairness and are consistent in meeting the goals of the Fellowship and its education brief.

1.2 To establish a visible framework of methodology applied to the adjudication process by providing appropriate guidelines. We recognise that there will be an amount of ‘competitive spirit' engendered but the benefit in terms of ‘value' to the entrants is, as far as we are concerned, to learn from each other in a spirit of supportive friendliness.

1.3 To establish the selection procedure for Moderators and Adjudicators and to ensure that it is transparent and fair. Individuals appointed as Moderators or Adjudicators are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner designed to promote and maintain the status of the appointment.

1.4 To confirm the procedure to monitor the ‘quality' of the reporting and judging so that it is maintained to the highest possible standard. The selection process in choosing competition nominees and winners will be as open and honest as possible, given the fact that winners must not be disclosed prior to the presentation evening.

2. Management of the competition
2.1 Each competition shall have an Co-ordinator, elected at the AGM, to handle the day-to-day operation. The period in post is three years and re-election is allowed. The Co-ordinator will not take on an Adjudicator or Moderator responsibility.

2.2 The election procedure will be the normal method used by the Fellowship, currently based on a written nomination with two signatures. Should a Co-ordinator stand down before the end of their term of office, the Executive Committee will second a replacement whose appointment will be confirmed at the next AGM.

2.3 All expenses incurred in the operation of the Competition by the Co-ordinator, including travel to relevant meetings relating to the running of the competition will be reimbursed.

2.4 Entry Forms will be sent to all previous entrants at the beginning of the new season and to others on request. The Co-ordinator must ensure that a competition entry is valid, in that the group is a paid-up member of the Fellowship.

2.5 The Co-ordinator is responsible for assigning an Adjudicator to a production and ensuring that both the Adjudicator and the Moderator can attend a suitable performance. This information should be provided in writing to the entrant naming both Adjudicator and Moderator. In the rare event that the Moderator is not available, then he or she shall invite an Adjudicator to attend in their place. Adjudicators should be ‘rotated' between groups as much as is practical and MUST not adjudicate any production by a group of which they are a member or in which they have been actively involved within recent times.

2.6 The Co-ordinator must ensure that groups receive a copy of the adjudication in a reasonable period of time - not more than two weeks after the adjudicator's visit. This distribution may be by post or e-mail according to the most convenient means for the entrant group.

2.7 The Co-ordinator will liaise with the Moderator and the Social Secretary concerning the Presentation Evening to ensure that information provided to groups is correct. They will ensure that all Trophies are collected back in good time and that all winners sign for Trophies at the Presentation Ceremony..

2.8 The Co-ordinator should monitor the rules of the relevant competition and advise on changes as appropriate. Proposed Rule changes should first be discussed with the Moderator, then discussed by the adjudication panel before being agreed as suitable. The proposed change must then be ratified by the Executive Committee before being put in place.

3. Moderator's function
3.1 The Moderator's appointment will be made by the Chairman following consultation with the outgoing Moderator and Adjudication Panel. The Chairman may also seek advice from other experienced members of the Fellowship as appropriate. The person appointed should have significant standing with regard to their ability within the context of the competition. The appointment is to be confirmed on an annual basis. A Moderator shall be a member of the Fellowship.

3.2 The Moderator will be responsible for marking productions and noting potential nominations. This will be indicative of the quality of the production as seen at the performance he or she attended. They would also monitor the Adjudicators' marks and reports to ensure that they meet the necessary standard with regard to the objectives of the Fellowship. Any significant difference in marking level should be discussed to determine if it is due to variation in the performances seen or if a need for further training exists.

3.3 If the Moderator has any relationship with an entrant group they should stand down from attending that production and an Adjudicator should attend in their place. The Moderator will, however, continue to be responsible for monitoring both reports.

3.4 The Moderator shall ensure that a record of the marks and nominations proposed during the course of the year is maintained.

3.5 The Moderator shall arrange for an annual Moderation Meeting to discuss the final nominations and winners in each category. They must ensure that an accurate record of the agreed nominations and winners is made during this meeting. For competitions that operate over a 12 month period they will also arrange a mid season meeting to allow discussion on marking, adjudication, rules and potential nominations to date, etc.

3.6 The Moderator will be expected to introduce the nominations at the Presentation Evening and to give brief comments so that the members present will understand the strengths of the winning production or performance. Trophy presentations will be made by someone appropriate to the relevant Competition.

3.7 All expenses incurred in the operation of the Competition by the Moderator, including travel to relevant meetings relating to the running of the competition will be reimbursed.

3.8 The Moderator, in consultation with the Co-ordinator, will be expected to ensure that the Adjudication panel is sufficiently large and shall also arrange appropriate mentoring and continuation training as appropriate.

3.9 The Moderator will confirm that a production is likely to meet the rules of the relevant competition. Where there is any reason for doubt, the script should be submitted by the group's secretary to the competition concerned prior to any related publicity or rehearsals.

4. Adjudicators' Role
4.1 Adjudicators will be appointed by the Moderator in consultation with the Co-ordinator or the members of the Adjudication panel or other experienced members of the Fellowship. Nominees for the post shall have significant standing with regard to their ability within the context of the competition, ideally with successful experience as a director. An adjudicator shall be a member of the Fellowship.

4.2 The Adjudicator's prime responsibility is to attend the productions assigned in due time and to act in an appropriate way when meeting the member groups. They will be expected to provide a supportive, encouraging but ‘educational' report of the performance seen, together with a review for the Fellowship's magazine, if required by the entrant group. Reports must also discuss any problems seen. An adjudication must be presented to the entrants in an easy-to-read format and is expected to be at least three A4 pages in length. All aspects of the production should be covered, as should be the individual characters and groups of participants, as much as is practical. The relevant group contact and the competition Co-ordinator should be sent the adjudication not whilst the production is running but within a maximum of 14 days of the date attended. Further, they will provide the competition Moderator with a copy of the Report and a completed mark sheet, with appropriate reasoning and proposed nominations for consideration, for the purposes of both monitoring and eventual consideration by the Adjudication panel.

4.3 An Adjudicator MUST not adjudicate any production in which they have a relationship of any sort with the entrant group or the production.

4.4 All expenses incurred in the operation of the Competition by the Adjudicators, including travel to relevant meetings relating to the running of the competition will be reimbursed.

4.5 The adjudicator is to send out a Feedback Form with the adjudication. It is to afford the group to comment on the content and timing of the adjudication. It is to be returned to the Co-ordinator. This information should then be forwarded to the adjudicator, who will reflect on comments made and seek advice from the Moderator if this is thought beneficial. If entrant groups wish clarification on points from the adjudication then the adjudicator is certainly permitted to contact the group to explain his or her comments in more detail. Each Feedback form is to carry a postscript stating: " If any aspect of the report merits a major complaint, the group Secretary should write to the Moderator (address to be stated)."

5. Marking
5.1 Marking sheets may differ between the different competitions and the design will be the responsibility of the relevant panel. Each marking sheet should have descriptors to remind the Moderators and Adjudicators of the points to be considered in the marking process.

5.2 The marks awarded must not be influenced by any information disclosed to the Adjudicator, either before or after a performance at which they attend, that is not also given to the audience in general.

5.3 A guideline as to the general approach to marking will be stated on the Competition entrance form.

5.4 All marks are confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone other than those on the Adjudication Panel. This is due to the fact that marking is indicative of the quality of a performance but other factors such as material complexity or venue limitations might well have an influence on the final decisions.

6. Annual Decision-Making Meeting
6.1 Each competition will hold a Meeting to decide the Season's final list of nominations and winners. The date for this meeting should be such that the Moderator and all adjudicators can attend if at all possible. Anyone attending the meeting with links or involvement with any group that entered the relevant competition should declare this at the opening of the meeting.

6.2 The Meeting will be chaired by the Moderator. If the Moderator is involved in any way in a group which has entered that competition they will relinquish the chair and leave the room at the appropriate time. Adjudicators will similarly leave the room should they be involved in an entrant production. The Moderator or Adjudicator would of course be expected to make their thoughts about the other productions being considered before they withdraw.

6.3 It has to be remembered at all times that NOMINATIONS are a valuable reward for the standard achieved and must only be given when the production (or an aspect of it, as appropriate) is worthy. The key reason for our competitions is to help raise standards in order to recognise higher than normally expected achievement by using the nomination procedure.

7. Complaints Procedure
7.1 In the very rare event that an entrant group feels a major error has occurred, the Secretary of the entrant group should write to the Moderator. The Moderator will then review the report submitted and discuss it with the adjudicator before providing a response.

7.2 Should the Moderator not be able to resolve the matter to the entrant group's satisfaction, they should send a report of the situation to the Chairman of the Fellowship. The Chairman will carry out a thorough review and consider if any action is appropriate. He or she will take advice from the Executive Committee (if it is thought necessary) before providing a response to the entrant group. The Adjudication Report and the related marks and nominations, however, will not be changed by any such complaint.


J. R. Roberts

Adopted by the Executive 3 June 2008
Amended by the Executive 25 May 2011

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