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Somerset Fellowship of Drama - Constitution


Mission Statement: To Promote Amateur Drama in the County of Somerset.


1. Title

The name of the Association shall be the Somerset Fellowship of Drama. (Hereinafter called 'The Fellowship'.)


2. Objectives

To advance public education in the art of drama through the provision, but not exclusively so, of training, performances and drama competitions and in furtherance of the objects the executive committee shall have power to do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the achievements of the objects.


3. Status

The Fellowship shall be a self administered, politically independent body with Charitable status.


4. Membership

1. Membership shall be open to anyone over the age of 18 who is interested in drama, either as individuals or as an amateur theatre group wishing to be affiliated to the Fellowship. Affiliated groups will be considered to be a single entity for the purposes of voting and members of such groups will be considered to be associate members of the Fellowship with all relevant benefits except voting rights. Membership will not be restricted to residents of Somerset. Individuals may join the Fellowship whether or not they are members of a group; such members have all the benefits of full membership including voting rights.

2. Any individual member or group shall be entitled to one vote at any appropriate Fellowship meeting. Joint Membership will be available to members who share the same address and they will be allowed one vote per address.

3. All members will be required to pay an annual subscription to take effect from October 1st in each Year. The level of this subscription will be set annually at the AGM of the Fellowship. Failure to pay within one month of the due date will result in the suspension of membership privileges. Failure to pay within 3 months will be taken to mean that the member has resigned from the Fellowship.

4. The Executive Committee shall have the right to reject applications for membership. They may also, with good and sufficient reason, terminate the membership of any individual or organisation provided that the individual member concerned or the individual representing such organisation (as the case may be) shall have the right to be heard by the said Executive Committee before a final decision is made.

5. Life Membership may be conferred on deserving individuals subject to confirmation at an AGM. They will be entitled to all the normal benefits of membership including a vote at all General Meetings.


5. Management

1. The business of the Fellowship shall be carried out by an executive committee (hereinafter called the Executive). This will consist of 4 Honorary officers, and not more than10 Committee members.

2. Election Procedures

1. Nominations for election of new Honorary Officers must be in writing and signed by at least two members who shall belong to different groups. 

2. The nominations must be received by the Secretary at least 14 days prior to the appropriate Meeting.

3. Honorary Officers

1. The Officers shall consist of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The first two named above will be elected annually at the AGM. There will be no limit to the number of times they may seek re-election. Their period of office will cease immediately on the election of a replacement.

2. The Secretary and Treasurer will be appointed by the Executive on the day of the AGM or as soon afterwards as possible. Their period of office shall be until the AGM following their appointment unless unusual circumstances cause the Executive to decide otherwise. They will be Ex-Officio members of all Fellowship Committees.

3. No member of the Executive Committee shall acquire any interest in property belonging to the Fellowship or be interested in any contract entered into by the Executive Committee save that any member of the Executive Committee who is a solicitor, accountant or other person engaged in a profession may charge and be paid all the usual professional charges for business done by him or her firm when instructed by other members of the Executive Committee to act in a professional capacity on behalf of the Fellowship provided that at no time shall a majority of the members of the Executive Committee benefit under this provision and that a member of the Executive Committee shall withdraw from any meeting at which his or her instruction or remuneration or that of his or her firm is under discussion.

4. Committee Members

1. Executive Committee members will be elected at the AGM to undertake a specific function as listed in 5.5.2.

2. Committee members will co-ordinate one of the following roles on the Executive, although they may be supported by an appropriate sub-committee if relevant :-

  • Phoebe Rees Coordinator (full length plays)

  • David Beach Coordinator (musicals)

  • David Beach Youth Coordinator (youth musicals)

  • Cinderella Trophy Coordinator (pantomimes)

  • One Act Play Competition Coordinator

  • Original Playwriting Competition Coordinator

  • Membership Secretary

  • Online Manager


3. Other positions of responsibility will be agreed at the first Meeting of the Executive following the AGM. All members of the Executive would be expected to be available to take on such a responsibility.

4. Additional members may be co-opted on to the Executive if necessary but their term of office shall automatically cease at the following AGM.

5. The Executive Committee can co-opt a replacement for a Committee member who retires before the end of his period of service.

6. Sub-Committees

1. The Executive may establish Sub-Committees, which could involve additional Co-opted individuals.

2. Each Sub-Committee must be chaired by a member of the Executive.

7. Executive Meetings will be Quorate if 25% of the properly elected and co-opted members are present. Sub-Committee meetings will be quorate with 3 or more persons present.

8. All elected and co-opted members of the Executive will have 1 vote and a simple majority will pass decisions. The Chair of the relevant meeting will have a second casting vote, where necessary.

9. Voting at the AGM shall be by secret ballot or a show of hands, at the chairman's discretion. The Executive shall have the authority to commission a postal ballot if it considers the expenditure justified.


6. Meetings

1. The Fellowship shall hold an Annual General Meeting, open to all members, in September.

2. Motions to be put to the AGM must be received by the Secretary at least 45 days before the meeting. Each item must be proposed by at least three paid-up members of the Fellowship. A group would only count as one ‘member'.

3. The Executive shall have the power to call an Extraordinary Meeting of all members if they consider it necessary. Such a Meeting shall also be held if 10% of the members submit a written petition requesting such a Meeting to the Secretary. The Meeting must be called no more than 60 days and not less than 45 days after the receipt of this petition.

4. All General Meetings will be open to all members of the Fellowship, who must be given at least 21 days notice in writing. This would be by publication on the SFD website and on the SFD Facebook page.

5. The Executive shall meet at least once every three months to conduct the business of the Fellowship.


7. Finance

1. The Executive will be responsible for managing the finances so as to further the objectives of the Fellowship.

2. The Executive shall have the right to seek financial support for its activities as necessary. Grant aid will be accepted from any appropriate body including Central or Local Government Authorities, South West Arts or other agencies as can be arranged. Income will also be accepted from sponsorship, donations, and profits on activities or derived from other sources.

3. Members of the Executive shall not receive payment for attendance at Meetings except by way of previously agreed legitimate expense incurred.

4. The Financial Year shall end on 30th June each year.

5. At the end of each financial year, accounts shall be prepared and made available for inspection by members prior to or at the AGM. The accounts shall be prepared and examined by a suitable Independent Examiner, who will be appointed by the Executive.

6. The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining proper accounts, and for the security of all monies received or payable by the fellowship.

7. Expenditure on behalf of the Fellowship shall be authorised by the signature of any two
officers from the following :-

1. Chairman

2. Vice-Chairman

3. Treasurer


8. Dissolution

If the Executive believe it to be in the best interests of its members that the Fellowship should be dissolved, it shall call an Extraordinary Meeting of the Fellowship. This notice shall specify the terms of any proposed resolution.
If at such a Meeting it is decided by a two thirds majority of those present and voting that the Fellowship be dissolved, the remaining funds shall be devoted to purposes similar to those of the Fellowship, at the sole discretion of the Executive provided that such purposes are exclusively charitable at law.


9. Alteration to the Constitution

1. This Constitution can only be altered by a simple majority vote at a General meeting of the Fellowship.

2. There will be no alteration to this constitution that will result in a change in charitable status.

3. No amendment shall be made to Clause 2, Clause 8 or this clause without the prior written consent of the Charity Commission.


Dated 18 August 2000.
Revised 14 September 2002
Second revision 20 September 2014

Third Revision 19 September 2022

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