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Fees and Subscriptions

Our fees are reviewed annually and approved at the Annual General Meeting. The fees for 2022/23 are:

  • Membership fee: £10 individual, £15 joint membership, £25 society membership


  • County Drama Festival (for one-act plays):  There is no entry fee to pay (it used to be £20, but we are only too aware of how much it can cost to put on a one-act play nowadays). In order to try and help you with a small subsidy, and to encourage you to bring along an audience, the SFD will provide you with 10 discounted tickets for the session in which you are appearing (for which you will be charged £5.00 each, paid in advance). Note: Tickets for the County Drama Festival in 2024 will cost £10 for a single session or £15 for multiple sessions. If you opt to go on to the next round of the AETF, the opting fee is £10.00. 


  • Original Playwriting Competition: £10 per entry (members); £15 per entry (non-members)


  • Standard Competition entry fees (only open to member societies): £30 per entry

Notes: This applies to Pantomimes (Cinderella Trophy Competition), Full-length Plays (Phoebe Rees Competition), Musicals (David Beach Competition), Youth Musicals (David Beach Youth Competition.

Non-Competitive Entry for our standard competitions: if a group wish simply to get the benefit of an adjudication of their work, and does not want to be considered for nominations or possible awards, then an adjudicator will attend and will forward a written assessment after the show, but the Moderator will not attend. Please mark your entry clearly with the words 'Non-Competitive'. The entry fee will then be just £15.





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