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David Beach Competition
Conditions of Entry for David Beach and David Beach Youth Competitions


Please note that the closing date for entries is not less than 6 weeks before date of your production. if you would like your production advertised on the website, just complete the form on the bottom of the entry form

1.The Musical
Entry to the competition is open to all societies and groups in Somerset. Each musical must be of at least two act's playing time and provide a viable evening's entertainment.
2. Judging
Performances will be visited in production by adjudicators appointed by the Committee of the Somerset Fellowship of Drama. Judging will take place between 1st December and the following 30th November each year.
3. Adjudicators
Each production will be judged by an adjudicator drawn from a panel of local adjudicators, with an overall moderator (4 tickets and 2 programmes will be required). The adjudicator will prepare a written adjudication for the society. There will not be a public adjudication.

Non-Competitive: If any group feel that a written adjudication would be helpful to future productions, but do not wish to be considered for nominations or possible awards, an adjudicator will attend and a written adjudication will be forwarded but the moderator will not attend. 'Non-competitive' must be stated clearly on the entry form. The fee for non-competitive entries is just £15.
4. Marking
The actual marks awarded to each production in each category will remain confidential. They are used only to help the panel decide who has won each of the various trophies at the end of the year.

The adjudicator's decision shall be final. No order of merit will be announced.

The following system of marking will be used:
Presentation (15 marks) includes: Set: Properties: Costumes: Make-up and Hair: Lighting: Sound.
Production 35 marks Includes: Interpretation of spirit, style and meaning of the musical: Pace and variation of tempo: Blending of music, dialogue and singing: Grouping, movement and teamwork: Making of points, tension and climax: Choreography and musical direction
Acting 40 marks Includes: Characterisation: Audibility and variation in tone: Emphasis: Gesture: Impact: Ability and approach to musical numbers.
Adjudicator's Assessment 10 marks Includes: Originality: Endeavour: Attainment and Overall
5. Awards
Engraving of trophies will be the responsibility of the winners.

  • Best Musical

  • Best Direction

  • Best Musical Direction

  • Best Choreography

  • Best Small Venue

  • Best Youth Production

  • Best Chorus

  • Best Showstopper

  • Best Male Performance

  • Best Female Performance

  • Best Male in Supporting Role

  • Best Female in Support Role

  • Best Cameo Performance

  • Best Performance under 21 years

  • Best Performance under 16 years

  • Best Creative Set

  • Best Set Construction

  • Best Creative Lighting

  • Best Costumes Not Hired

  • Best Costumes Hired

  • Best Stage Management 

  • Best Props

  • Best Effects

  • Best Sound

  • The Challenge Trophy

6. Presentation
The Trophies will be presented at the Awards Ceremony of the Fellowship which will take place in March each year.
7. Entry Procedure
Entries should be sent to Di Dean, Acting David Beach Competition Co-ordinator, not less than SIX weeks before performance. Email:
8. Libretto

One copy of the libretto must be submitted to your Adjudicator at least 4 weeks in advance of the performance date and should indicate any changes made to the script. PLEASE DO NOT SEND PHOTOCOPIES OF LIBRETTO unless you have received permission from the publisher to do so.  You will receive confirmation of your Adjudicator's address via email or post.
9. Youth

Please indicate on the entry form any member of the cast under 21 years of age.  If you have not cast your play when you send your entry please let us know nearer production date.
10. Programmes
It is a requirement that societies who have entered the David Beach Competition should publish that fact in the programme of the production entered. The wording should be along the lines of: "This production has been entered into the Somerset Fellowship of Drama's David Beach competiton for musicals". Adjudicators will be asked to take note of this. 
11. Entry Fees
Until further notice the entry fee will be £30.00 for societies affiliated to the Somerset Fellowship.
12. Enquiries
Enquiries to be made to Di Dean at:


It would be appreciated if dates for productions could be forwarded to Roger Price at as soon as they are known, even if you have not yet chosen a musical. Your production can then be included in the diary of events and this will give the officials involved the maximum amount of time to fit the dates into their very full schedules.
Please click here to download the entry form.

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