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Somerset Fellowship of drama full-length plays


The Phoebe Rees Competition will be starting again from 1 October 2024


The Phoebe Rees is a year-round full-length play competition which is open to any SFD affiliated drama group. Productions are judged by one of a panel of visiting adjudicators, and the group receives a full written adjudication, usually within a week or two of the performance.  The cost is £30 for Societies which are paid-up members of the SFD.

The rules as to what constitutes 'a play' for the purposes of this competition were clarified in 2011, in order to provide "an equitable basis for adjudication and moderation".

The following criteria must apply to any production submitted for entry to the Phoebe Rees full-length play competition:

• it has a continuous narrative thread/plot line (which may or may not be chronologically sequenced)
• it has some consistency of character/s
• it has a running time of at least one hour (excluding interval)

The Adjudicator is responsible for marking the production, using a scheme devised by GODA - the Guild of Drama Adjudicators - and for nominating outstanding performances and exemplary production elements, in any of 25 categories. 

Every production is also seen by a Moderator, whose job it is to provide a benchmark against which each entry can be judged when the panel meets in early September to discuss the merits of all the productions seen that year, and to decide on the winner in each category.

The nominations are published in Spotlight Online in mid-September every year and the winners are announced at the Phoebe Presentation Evening in October. You can find a list of previous Phoebe Rees Trophy winners here .

More details are available to individual SFD Members and to Club Contacts under Documents & Resources in the left hand menu, where you can find out about how productions are marked and see the list of trophies to be awarded, as well as being able to download an entry form. 

If your group or society has any doubt regarding a proposed Phoebe Rees entry, please contact the Moderator via the Co-ordinator  .  A printed and bound copy of your proposed script (no photocopies please, unless it is out of print), with any major changes clearly indicated, must be sent to the Adjudicator (as specified by the Competition Co-ordinator) no less than two weeks before performance.







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