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Red Brick Building in Glastonbury

Updated: Mar 23

The SFD have received the following note from Alison Horgan :-

"Hello there - I am getting in touch because we have received some funding at Red Brick Building in Glastonbury to work on a co-created event with young people (aged 18-25). The funding is from New Wave, part of Heritage Open Days. We would be keen to develop a piece of drama based on some oral histories which we collected last year as part of a heritage project we did about the sheepskin factories Morlands and Baily's in Glastonbury. This would be workshopped and shared in September. The exact format has not been decided yet because the point of the project is to work collaboratively with young producers, so that they shape the event. I am currently looking for young people to be part of this - either to write, act, produce - basically to design and make happen an event that they and their peers would enjoy. Would you be interested in collaborating on this project? If you think there is any scope for working together or for sharing the opportunity within your networks, that would be great. I am very happy to meet in person or online to discuss in more detail. It would be fantastic to work with you if there is enthusiasm. With best wishes, Alison Horgan"

If anyone is interested in collaborating on this project, please contact Alison direct at

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