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The Somerset Fellowship of Drama is coming to an end

We all know the old adage that the show must go on. Well, sometimes even a brilliant run must come to an end. The SFD has been going for about 100 years. This year, the Cinderella Trophy Competition for pantomimes celebrates its 50th year. But the truth is that over the last few years it has become harder to recruit new willing, enthusiastic and experienced volunteers and, as old hands retire, the workload on the remaining volunteers has become unacceptably high.

It is against this background that the SFD committee has taken the difficult decision to close the organisation. This will be done in a phased way over the next twelve months. There are still lots of details to address. We have developed a plan for a phased closure so that the last few competitions will come to a natural end. There will still be a panto season this year – a very special 50 year celebration. Let’s get lots of entries and see the competition go out on a high.

There will be a County Drama Festival in March where we hope to see a record number of entries.

But this will be the last year for the David Beach Competitions for musicals and the awards ceremony for the Phoebe Rees Competition in October will bring that competition to a close.

There are still some details to finalise such as how to manage the website and Facebook in the interim and how to dispose of our remaining assets. The committee is developing plans that will be announced in due course.

Chairman Sam Allen said, "It is so sad that such a great organisation is having to close up shop. So many great people have done so much to build up the SFD into the respected and much-loved institution it has become. Although we have always been best known for our competitions, it has always been about so much more than that. It truly is a fellowship; a place where like-minded people can share ideas and thoughts, a home for news about amateur theatre and a place to seek and offer help and guidance for others. This is truly a sad announcement for people in Somerset who love am dram. But if we do not have the volunteers, we cannot do the impossible. The committee made this decision with a heavy heart, not because we wanted to, but because we had no realistic alternative."

Sam Allen wrote the following statement on behalf of the committee:

Dear Member,

I am afraid I have bad news about the future of the Somerset Fellowship of Drama (SFD). Over the past few years we have found it increasingly difficult to find volunteers to join us in key roles, particularly as Moderators and Coordinators. This has put additional burdens on the small team we have and it has become unsustainable. The committee has therefore taken the decision to have a managed closure of the SFD. As each competition comes to an end it will be discontinued.

The good news is that there will be a Cinderella Trophy Competition for pantomimes in this, its 50th year. The season starts in November, continuing over Christmas with a special awards Ceremony in May 2024. Next year’s County Drama Festival will also go ahead, with a weekend of one-act plays in March 2024.

Sadly, the Phoebe Rees Competition for full length plays has come to an end. The 2022/23 competition has just come to an end and there will be a final awards Ceremony in Ilminster in October, but we will not be able to accept entries for any future productions.

Similarly, the David Beach Competitions for Musicals and Youth Musicals will run until the end of the current season in November with the Awards Ceremony in March, but we will not be accepting entries for next years’ competition.

And this year’s Original Playwriting Competition will be the last.

Over the next few months the committee will be considering issues such as the website, our Facebook pages and how to best deal with our residual funds within the legal framework of the Charities Commission. We will keep members updated on our website.

It is really sad that 100 years of the SFD is coming to an end but without the resources we need, continuing is simply not an option. I would like to thank everybody who has contributed to the SFD over so very many years. It has given so many people help, support and encouragement, as well as providing lots of fun. And hopefully it has helped to improve the world of amateur theatre in Somerset.

You can air your views at the Annual General Meeting on 07 October at Ruishton Village Hall. Details are on our website

Best Wishes,

Sam Allen

Chair, SFD

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